soldierheart wrote in suaday Oct 26, 2011 00:32
no make-up junsu, misc: fan-taken, misc: airport, take off the shades please~, month: october, candids, boy and his weird fashion, *2011, airport horror, era: in heaven
junsoul wrote in suaday Aug 18, 2011 22:05
junsu and his kids, misc: twitter, month: august, *2011, su lights up my life, how can one be so beautiful?, boy and his weird fashion
soldierheart wrote in suaday Jun 08, 2011 23:05
misc: airport, kissable lips, hawtness overload, take off the shades please~, sexy junsu!, candids, boy and his weird fashion, month: june, *2011, his lip gloss brings all the boys to the, specsy!su, intoxiahcation, junsu and his suit, pretty mouth
itsplashes wrote in suaday May 26, 2011 22:25
blond is the new black, tiny hands, xiahzart, xiahzart!, shy boy, blonde junsu, boy and his weird fashion, month: may, *2011, how can one be so beautiful?, smiley!su, so precious, misc: rehearsals
junsoul wrote in suaday May 11, 2011 21:04
blond is the new black, xiahzart, xiahzart!, mozart!su, blonde junsu, boy and his weird fashion, month: may, *2011, so precious, misc: rehearsals
junsoul wrote in suaday Mar 08, 2011 21:30
misc: airport, take off the shades please~, boy and his weird fashion, month: march, *2011, junsu and his suit, airport horror, so precious
junsoul wrote in suaday Feb 09, 2011 22:54
*2011, specsy!su, dork!su, misc: endorsement, month: february, boy and his weird fashion
itsplashes wrote in suaday Dec 10, 2010 00:03
*2010, other: fanart, redhead no moar, candids, boy and his weird fashion, homg flaaaaail, squishy boy!, month: december
junsoul wrote in suaday Jun 11, 2010 23:21
misc: airport, month: june, *2010, take off the shades please~, so precious, boy and his weird fashion
junsoul wrote in suaday May 31, 2010 23:17
month: may, *2010, misc: radio shows, so precious, boy and his weird fashion